Your premier global provider of engineered helical pier foundation & anchor solutions from design to install in Alaska.

Helical Piers and Helical Piles - Your Ultimate Deep Foundation Solution
Helical piers, also known as screw piles and helical piles, are proven ground anchoring foundation solutions for energy, industrial and commercial applications.
Pile foundations allow for massive structures to be built just about anywhere, on any type of soils. TorcSill has installation experience to depths exceeding 130 feet (40m). They prove effective in even the most challenging environmental conditions including sub-zero temperatures found in Anchorage and Fairbanks.
A properly designed and correctly installed helical pile foundation system will help support even the largest buildings, bridges, platforms and infrastructure projects designed by our engineers. Projects include: solar and wind turbine installation, electric substation and transmission line structures, pipelines, production or petroleum refining facilities.
Large Helical Pile Un-Install / Install Permafrost, Prudhoe Bay Alaska
Benefits of TorcSill Helical Piles in Alaska
Cost effective, light weight, minimal ground disturbance, fast install with no cure time, eco-friendly, highly trained experienced TEAM of experts, can be installed in harshest environments and conditions.
Solutions for:
- Seismic concerns
- Resistance against frost heaving/frost jacking – a common problem in frozen ground
- Poor/unknown soil conditions
- Flooding/washouts
- Contaminated Soils
- Speed-immediate loading after install, no cure time
Innovation and Eco-Friendly "Think Green"
- Produces 50% less carbon than concrete
- Reusable/Recyclable
- No spoils from install
- Small installation footprint
- Zero vibrations during installation
Common Industries and Applications for Alaskan Cities
- Energy (Pipelines, Facilities, Drilling Rigs, Equipment surrounding facilities)
- Power and Utilities (Substation and Power Lines)
- Renewables (Battery Storage and Renewable Gas)
- Telecommunications
- Towers and Supporting facilities
- Commercial Building Structures
- Residential Houses and Cabins
What we offer
With the Highest Quality & Safety Measures in Mind

Research, Design & Development

Alaska PE Licensed

ISO 9001
Certified Manufacturing

Construction Services

About TorcSill Foundations
TorcSill produces their own brand of helical piles that range in size to accommodate a wide range of reaction loads.
TorcSill Foundations is the global expert in helical piers, dedicated to the production and installation of the finest helical pier foundation systems in the world. Their engineering, manufacturing and installation TEAMs operate from 14 locations across the country, including the new Anchorage Service Center which provides services throughout the state of Alaska.
Our TEAM has extensive experience with helical pier installation in the most demanding production environments including deployments in below-freezing conditions, permafrost and on semi-submerged coastal sites.
Alaska Operations - Service Center
5701 Silverado Way L-201 Anchorage, AK 99518