Carbon Emissions Study – Carbon Footprint of Concrete vs Steel

Reduce your carbon footprint by 50% with TorcSill helical foundations over traditional concrete foundations.

Reduce your carbon footprint by 50% with TorcSill’s steel helical foundations over traditional concrete foundations.

Study:Corporate GHG Report Executive Summary 2019
Client: TorcSill Foundations
Study Completed: November 2020

Study Conducted by: WAP Sustainability Consulting

Study Overview

This report represents an executive summary of the results from the corporate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions inventory that was conducted by WAP Sustainability Consulting for TorcSill Foundations (“TorcSill”).

The study took place during the second quarter of 2020 and took into account relevant activities that occurred during the period of January 1st, 2019, through December 31st, 2019. The inventory was conducted at the corporate level and was part of a portfolio carbon assessment for White Deer Energy.

This inventory used several GHG accounting standards and guidance documents. Primarily, the inventory followed requirements defined by the World Resource Institutes (WRI) Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol. WRI’s GHG Protocol is the most used and respected international standard for how to measure, manage, and report GHG emissions. The latest statistics indicate that 92% of Fortune 500 companies that report to the Carbon Disclosure Project utilize the WRI GHG Protocol. This standard is global in Scope and widely recognized by domestic and international reporting schemes. Utilizing the WRI GHG Protocol is the first step toward a credible inventory.

Additionally, considered for this inventory was WRI’s Corporate Value Chain Accounting and Reporting
Standard. The Corporate Value Chain Accounting and Reporting Standard guides emission categories that are outside the control of an organization but are still influenced by that organization’s business decisions and behavior.”

Carbon Footprint of Concrete vs Steel Key Findings

  • TorcSill’s steel is more favorable than the concrete alternative. The embodied carbon of concrete is 100% higher than the embodied carbon of TorcSill’s steel for the same project.
  • TorcSill’s total company’s carbon footprint is equal to the annual emissions from 903 typical passenger vehicles in the United States. Considering there are more than 273,000,000 cars registered in the US, the impact of TorcSill operations appears to be low in light of this common comparison point.

Download The Full Study

Please provide your information below to download your copy of this Carbon Emissions Study conducted by WAP Sustainability Consulting. Discover how you can reduce your carbon footprint by using steel helical piles vs. traditional concrete foundations.


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