PVC Dryer Foundation

Engineered foundation design and installation solution for a PVC Dryer to reduce the construction footprint. TorcSill was approached by a petrochemical plant owner to provide a value engineered foundation design and installation solution for a PVC Dryer to reduce the construction footprint while delivering verifiable load-bearing capacities required for a plant expansion.

While value-engineering the appropriate helical alternative design for this Project, TorcSill had to account for a stringent maximum installation depth of 40 feet in very poor soil conditions while coordinating the construction amid a congested work site buzzing with various construction contractors and equipment.


The first step for TorcSill’s Engineering TEAM was to work closely with the facility’s Engineer of Record to evaluate the foundation loads and geotechnical information. From here, TorcSill was able to determine the most efficient pile diameter and helical plate design to deliver appropriate axial, lateral and overturning performance within a maximum installation depth.

Upon completion of engineering and load testing specifications, TorcSill’s Construction Services TEAM mobilized to performed site-specific load tests, ultimately verifying the pile design, which consisted of (6) 24-inch helical plates.

With the large-diameter helices on each of the piles, TorcSill’s crew completed the 103-pile Project in six working days, spinning the piles to a terminated depth of 37 feet.

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