Washouts & Exposures

TorcSill was selected to provide a foundation solution for a pipeline river exposure in the Mid-Continent. With limited time for a planned outage, TorcSill's engineered solution was designed, manufactured and installed within two weeks of award of the Project.

The customer faced numerous challenges while planning the horizontal directional drilling of the existing pipeline river crossing. This particular transmission pipeline supplies multiple power plants and municipalities, and as such, failure could potentially create significant environmental impact, while affecting a number of end-users. Build-up of river debris and issues securing right of way permitting called for a more immediate solution for the emergency stabilization Project. TorcSill and its partner were asked to complete the Project within five days of mobilization, overcoming high winds and water movement. Rush orders and required equipment modifications for the specialty installation also presented planning and logistics challenges.


TorcSill Engineering designed a specialty solution to meet the owner’s timeline and budget to support a 24-inch exposed pipeline across a river, incorporating an integrated piling and connections detail “support tower” to provide appropriate stability in the event of river debris impact.

The Manufacturing TEAM then quickly fabricated the specified steel structures, associated supports and provided the necessary tooling modifications, delivering onsite in less than one week, where TorcSill’s AnchorPipe construction TEAM went to work.

Exercising its extensive experience in large diameter pile installations for land-based and river-crossing applications, the construction TEAM developed the Project Execution Plan, completing construction in four days, including one Safety Stand-down day resulting from high winds.


In less than two weeks, TorcSill’s integrated engineering, manufacturing and construction services approach led to the successful installation of “support towers” for this emergency stabilization Project. The supports will remain in place until the owner is prepared to bore the pipeline, at which point TorcSill can safely uninstall and completely remove the foundation and connection elements with little to no environmental impact.

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Lattice power

Lattice Tower

With incredibly tight clearance between existing underground pipelines and the property boundary, lattice tower foundation construction seemed very difficult. TorcSill designed and installed a helical pile and an all-steel connection detail to allow for ease of installation around buried pipes and without requiring additional property easement.

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